Friday, February 14, 2014

"Real Worth" ~~~ Updated

What is the worth of a child? 
What is the worth of your child? 
Do you have a worth on your child?

  • Is your child worth spending every day and night taking care of them?  Pouring your whole heart and soul into them.
  • Is your child worth every smile because you spent time with them?  Consoling and comforting them in their time of need.
  • Is your child worth every hug because you love them?  Unconditionally.
  • Is your child worth seeking out every specialist to help him survive?  Yes, yes they are…

Does every child have the same worth? (they should)
Some Doctors do not seem to think so.  They will have favorites and treat others better based on who they think is  “worth it”.

  • Treat kids differently based on who they think has more WORTH in the world.
  • Give better medical attention to judgmental worth.
  • Treat them differently based on their insurance.
  • And this is what it is these Doctors using their professional “judgment” to claim worth on a Childs life.

This is the sad reality in today’s medical field.  Not every child will be treated the same.  And it does not matter if your child is better or worse then the next child.  Your child will be treated by these doctors based on their “JUDGEMENTAL WORTH”.

Every parent has the right for “non-judgmental worth” for their child.
 How do you get the doctors to acknowledge your Childs "Real Worth"?  
Don't rely on these doctors to make that call for you...   You are your Childs best advocate. 
Set your Childs worth for these Doctors and don't settle for less.
Every child is worth the right to life.
Every child is "Worth it" 
My son is "Worth it"
 I would like to add, that there are some really good doctors out there that really truly do care for our children and value their worth, but these doctors also get bullied by their own peers so it makes it harder for them to do their job and keep the profession honest.  Lets hope they stay honest and value our children and thier "real worth".

DISCLAIMER: These pictures are property of Mack and family. No copying or use of pictures or stories are permitted without written permission from parents.